
Second Surgery Prep

I've been such a slacker with my posts.  Life just spun back into normalcy for the most part once I returned to work.  I was seeing my plastic surgeon about every other week for fills until I got to a size that I felt was right for me, and once we reached that point, he said to come back in 6 weeks.  So last Wednesday was that 6 week mark and I went in to talk about my options of permanent implants.

Dr. P showed me the silicon implants and said that in he past the silicon had a negative reputation, but all of the issues from the past have been fixed.  They also came out with a newer shape of a silicon implant, which is a teardrop.  He said that he's been using those for the last two years and is really happy with them because they look a lot more natural.  With a regular round implant, when laid flat there are ripples that are created.  With the teardrop it doesn't have that effect.  However, if the round moves around inside, you won't notice it.  If the teardrop moves, then it will be very obvious, which would require going in to readjust.

I opted for the teardrop and I was VERY pleasantly surprised when he told me I wouldn't have to have drains.  Hooray!!  I hated the drains with my last surgery.  He said that the thinking with the drains for this surgery is that it would decrease the chance of the implant moving around, but that he really doesn't see that as an issue.  In fact, he placed the implant on my leg and showed me how difficult it was to turn, and said that when he does surgery and has to adjust it's difficult to do.  Again, double hooray!!

This surgery he will also perform liposuction from my waist.  The reason not being that I am getting addicted to plastic surgery and am striving to be like Barbie, but because my left breast (which was the cancerous one) was more aggressively removed so I have very little tissue up top.  So my right breast has more and has a more natural progression from my chest to breast, whereas the left is quite a dramatic transition.  That also makes them look uneven.  So to alleviate that, he is going to do fat grafting from the fat from my waist.  (I told him to go crazy in that department and if he needs extra just in case, I'm ok with that.)

I was so anxious to finally get my second surgery date, but I still had to wait until 2:30 that day to call the office after Dr. P sent in the information.  So there I am at 2:29 dialing the phone, but I had to wait until the next day to confirm the date because she wasn't sure if there was an OR room available.  So FINALLY the next day she called me and said my surgery will be August 4!  I was happy with the date because it's just around the corner and won't impede with a lot of things that are happening with work later in the month.

He told me it will be outpatient and I should be back at work the following week.  So I'm comparing this surgery to a drive through run at McDonalds versus a sit down and eat experience at a restaurant.  At this point I'm not really nervous, but I'm sure come Monday night I'll start fretting a bit.  Just excited to get these expanders out because I hear the permanents are a lot more comfortable.

I have so much more to say regarding the entire experience and a recent trip to Nashville, but I will save that for another day.


  1. Thank you for your update. I have thought a lot about you this summer and was hopeful, based on your Facebook posts, that everything was going as well as it seemed. You are a warrier!

  2. Thank you for your update. I have thought a lot about you this summer and was hopeful, based on your Facebook posts, that everything was going as well as it seemed. You are a warrier!
