

A few quick updates first:

-I finally did my MRI on Thursday, and I received the results.  I'M CLEAN!!!!  Now I can truly celebrate next week after my last radiation treatment!!!  Next week is my boost and I will just do the area around where they did my lumpectomy.  I'm so happy the big area is done because under my breast was getting pretty rough. 

-My sister-in-law Mary is awesome and I love her.  She surprised me when I found her sitting in the waiting area waiting for me when I arrived for treatment on Friday.  It totally made my day!!

-My hair is starting to take off!  I still have a ways to go, but I feel like I actually have hair now.  It's also insanely soft, and when I'm stressed out, I rub my head.


Now, I'm no musician.  I sang in choir in elementary and middle school, and took piano and trombone lessons as a kid-- so I can read music, but that's about it.  I wish I could do more.  But I LOVE listening to music of most all kinds.  I would much rather have the tv off and music on in the house, and I always have it on in the shower and the car.  I think it's pretty magnificent how music can transport us to a time in our lives in an instant.  I love listening to and analyzing lyrics of a song, wondering the intent of the musician, and also seeing how I relate and apply it to my own life.  I love searching for the right song to fit my mood at the time.  I've had a few songs that I have consistently listened to throughout this journey.  They are:

Florence + the Machine - Dog Days Are Over
Oh this one I love so so much and play it a lot, thinking about the end goal, when this would all be over.  I have blasted this sucker in the car as I scream sing along, tears rolling down my face. 

Miranda Lambert - I Just Really Miss You
Yes, I know this song was most likely intended for an ex-boyfriend, but I applied it and played it when I missed my two best girl friends, both of whom live out of state. 
BORNS - Electric Love
This song always reminds me of Julia.  Again, probably meant for a lover of some sort, but the lyrics totally remind me of my baby, and she has a way of always waking me up and bringing me to life when I need it. 
James Morrison - Precious Love
When I needed a boost of happy and to be reminded of how good I have it, or when I knew it and just wanted to revel in it, I'd listen to this.  I love his raspy quality along with the inherent happiness of this beat. 

The Wonder Woman Theme Song
I mean, come on.  This movie was AH-MAZING!!!!!  I was so obsessed when it came out and was so terribly sad I had no hair at the time because I so badly wanted long, wavy hair with a few side braids to look like a bad ass amazon woman.  I can't wait until September when it comes out on DVD and I can have it playing in the background all the time.  Can't muster enough energy to do dishes?  Play the theme song.  Done.

The Beatles - Here Comes the Sun
Julia's teacher taught her this song, and I love that she did.  We would listen in the car on the way home all the time and I felt like the words were so hopeful and fitting to what we are going through.

Florence + The Machine (again) - You've Got the Love
When I listened to this song, I actually about God being the one providing the love.  Listen to the lyrics.  So perfect.  And her voice is so rich and strong, I love it.


So there it is.  Basically the soundtrack to my journey these last few months.  I know I for sure mentioned some of these songs in past posts, but here they all are together.  Love 'em.  I will for sure continue to sing (regardless of how many dogs howl). 

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