
Day 2 at the Hospital

Right now I am watching Titanic in my room.  It is difficult to type because I have a pulse monitor on my right index finger and have an IV on top of my right hand.  I've been in and out of nauseousness all day and that has been the biggest fight,  I did vomit once this morning, but felt better afterwards.

Yesterday I registered at 7:30 in the morning and was taken to change into a gown and have my IV put in,  The nurse globbed a bunch if numbing cream around my aereola on my left breast.  I then went down to the neuro science center where they sprayed more numbing cream on my nipple and then injected me with 4 shots around my nipple to insert a dye,  The dye was so that they could trace the flow to my lymph nodes since they were going to take 1-3 out.  They then took 3 pictures and I was on my way to the pre-op holding room.  Dr. P came in and made markings with his green and blue Sharpie and Dr. G came in to talk as well.

I waited with Eric and my parents, and then I was given anesthesia.  After a tearful goodbye they wheeled me away and I just remember being in the OR room with bright lights, and then waking up.  I remember looking at the clock seeing it was 5:00 and my first thought was, "Oh it went faster than I thought, That means my family didn't have to wait as long," My parents told me there was no invasive cancer in my lymph nodes and it was great to hear.  My dad said he never understood people who cried tears of joy until that moment.

Iwas very out of it all night.  The only other thing I remember is when a nurse was asking me a bunch of questions, she started explaining the therapy dog program.  I remember cutting her off and saying, "YES!"

I slept until 1:30 am and then fought nauseousness all day.  The tech had me sit up at 6:00 and it was excruciatingly painful.  I was screaming and crying as the tech pulled me to the chair.  Since then I've just been trying to keep food down.  They gave me meds more powerful than morphine and every time I'd press the button the pain would go away but then I'd feel sick.  It's been like choosing between the lesser of the two evils.  Dr. P and Dr. G have also come in to check on me and I got to see my "new" breasts.  They're actually bigger than I thought they'd be.  He said he filled them with 300 ccs (whatever that is) and the stitches go straight across and are about 5 inches long.

I need to lay down because I still feel out of it and will probably look back at this post and laugh at my terrible writing.  Here's a picture though of me and my dog visitor.


  1. I was so thankful when Sue told me the news yesterday. To God all the glory. Thinking about you and praying for a full recovery. Love the dog. They always bring a smile to your face and put you in a good mood! I'd love to see your pictures when you feel up to it. You are an amazingly strong woman. Love and hugs, Aunt Cher

  2. I had this whole novel written out and somehow it got deleted, so I hope this note will be as inspiring as my first. First of all, I am so glad to hear your surgery went well. Second, you have me tearing up at work reading your blog. Although we all have different perspectives, your blog helped me to understand my moms perspective when she underwent surgery when I was in 4th grade. Third, I know this is harder said then done, but please do not think J will feel neglected by you. Yes, it will be a challenge with her wanting to be held, but at her age, she will not remember this when she gets older. She has had such a strong support system and healthy life up until this point, that she will not suffer long-lasting effects. I am 24 and can barely remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, much less preschool. I have this amazing book with cute graphics written by two young children about their mother's breast cancer. I have kept it with now since 2000. If you want to read it to Julia I can give you the title or send you a copy :) You are such a courageous and strong woman. One day when you explain all that you have been through and how far you have come to an older Julia, you will be her "wonderwoman." Heck, you probably already are! Hang in there Malita! I think about you often. Please let me know if I can do anything. I would love to visit, but maybe once you are more settled at home. Keep your chin up! xoxox

  3. You are indeed battling today. Grateful that you are getting some relief from some of the nausea and receiving visits from furry friends. Be reminded we are praying and thinking of you hourly!
