

Yesterday and today have been the days of pushing my limits to see what I am capable of.  Yesterday I went to see Dr. P to see how I was healing and he said it was coming along well, and *drumroll please* he took my drains out!!!!  Hooray!!!  I HATED those drains.  They made me feel like a science project.  It hurt when he took them out, but afterwards I felt great!  I was no longer feeling like a pregnant cat!  Here's a picture of the holes.  Gross, I know.  I also can't seem to get rid of those Sharpie marks...

I have to go see him again next Wednesday and he said he'd fill the temporary implants with some more saline solution at that time.  I'm hoping that's the last time we add to the temporary one and we can just go to the permanent after that.  The permanents are supposed to feel less tight and more comfortable. 

After the doctor, my dad and I went to the post office, an antique shop, and the donut shop in downtown Oswego.  It was fun to get out and feel productive.  I definitely napped afterwards though.

Today I had some more milestone progress:

1. I started my exercises.

2. I went for a walk around the block with my mother-in-law, Julia, and Chance.  She took Chance and I pushed the stroller.

3. I didn't take ANY pain meds today. 

4. I took a shower all by myself! 

5. I was more interactive with Julia when we played. 

Number 5 is my favorite of course.  It has definitely been a struggle to not pick her up, but she has adapted to it, slowly but surely.  Sometimes when she wants to be picked up, she goes to me with her arms up, and then she stops and turns towards Eric or whoever else is around instead.  However, yesterday she had a complete meltdown and it took a lot of energy to not lose it myself.  It was a full out tantrum of screaming and lying on the ground crying, and nothing would appease her. 

But today was a happier day.  She climbed onto the couch where I was sitting, and she squeezed in behind me and pulled me back so that I was leaning on her.  I would say, "Why is this couch so lumpy??" Then I'd wiggle my body and then she would stick her head out from behind with a huge grin and I'd gasp and say, "Ahhh!!  It's Julia!!!" Then she would burst out into laughter!  Of course, I would laugh too.  This went on for quite some time. 

Later, I was getting tired of sitting on the floor with her with no back support.  Usually I sit on the ground, but when I'm not recovering I'm also typically laying on my back and she climbs all over me like a jungle gym and also cuddles on my chest.  So I laid down on the ground with my back flat across the floor and it was slightly painful, but it also felt great!!  I think Julia missed me being on the floor so much that she walked over, squatted down beside me and said, "Hi, mommy!"  I felt like she was saying, "Hey!  I miss you down here with me!  Welcome back!" 

So today was a good day!  I was proud of myself for pushing myself and seeing what I'm capable of.  Tomorrow I am going to take a longer walk on my own and we'll see how much stamina I have.  Can't wait!

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