

This past weekend was nice because my mom came to stay and help out.  She was the best!  Julia loved having her around.  She also helped by planning the week's menu with me, and then she and Eric went shopping for it all.  Then we ended the weekend by giving Julia a bath.  Today, I took the day off and did a little work from home, but also relaxed.  Tomorrow, I will go back to work.  It'll be good to go back and get busy.  I will need a distraction for the new waiting game, which is waiting for the genetic test results and oncotype test, both of which determine the next step of treatment. 

My incision is still swollen and still hurts, but hopefully that goes down some.  I go for my follow up appointments on Friday.  Maybe by then the redness and puckering will go down.  I'm curious to see what's under those steri-strips.  I'm also trying to push a little every day to get my range of motion back.  I can't lift my arm very far, but at least I have the use of my right!  The doctor said I could drive once I was off the narcotics, so today I just went with Motrin to see if I could get through without the big guns.  I succeeded! 

Not much else to report for now, so here's a bunch of pictures of my angel! 

My co-workers are AMAZING!!!  A few put this basket together of cards written by various staff along with random gifts for me to open whenever I'm feeling blue.  Julia is saying, "Wooooooow!!" She wanted to open them all right away.  My favorite so far has been a package from the Cubs with a magazine, photos, and a personalized card!!!  Another co-worker gave Julia a few books.  She's tearing into them!

This one is from Julia's teacher.  Her school has been the best and super supportive.  I couldn't ask for better people to be taking care of her, especially during these times.  Her teacher has been sending extra pictures of her to me, and I even found out her best friend is the director of the Cancer Center at Edwards!  Small world!!  (Look at that beauty by the way.  I look at those fierce eyes and know she's gonna shake up the world for the better.)

Cuddles with grandma!!
My little doctor.  Yesterday she played with her doctor kit and did a whole check up on me.

My caretaker.  Today we cuddled and she rubbed my tummy when it was hurting.
Always end with a smile!!

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